Life is a journey with its share of twists and turns, where we often long for guidance. In Psalm 16:11, David beautifully expresses this idea;

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence, there is fullness of joy.”

At Life In Abundance, we believe in walking this path together, guided by our faith and steadfast confidence in the Lord. This conviction has empowered many individuals to grow, especially through our partnership with Prison Fellowship Kenya.

Empowering Inmates to Prosper

Prison Fellowship Kenya serves as a beacon of hope for many inmates. Their goal is simple – to share the gospel and the love of Jesus Christ behind bars. Through our partnership with this organization, we’ve witnessed remarkable transformations. One story stands out – that of a prisoner who, after serving a three-year sentence, faced the daunting challenge of returning to society. The transition was tough, but Life In Abundance saw the need and took action.

LIA’s Director recognized the need to equip the leadership of Prison Fellowship Kenya with the skills to help former inmates reintegrate into society successfully. They realized the leadership lacked the tools to guide ex-convicts in their journey. Life In Abundance stepped in to provide the necessary training. As a result, many individuals are now better prepared to live lawful lives and reintegrate into their communities.

The Impact of Partnership

The story of our partnership with Prison Fellowship Kenya is an example of what’s possible when believers come together with a shared vision of hope, change, and faith. It’s a testament to the incredible impact that can be achieved when we walk the path of life together, confident in the joy that the presence of the Lord brings. As we continue to thrive through these partnerships, we also thrive in our commitment to serve our communities as God has called us to do. Together, we truly thrive, supporting one another on this challenging path of life.

“Two are better than one because they have a good return on their labor. If either of the falls down, one can help the other up.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)