Life In Abundance invites you to partner with Mayuge, Uganda.

Foundry church is partnering with the district of Mayuge to integrate a sustainable development model that addresses the community’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

We desire to see 50 families walk with this community over the next three years at $33 dollar each month. God will do incredible things through your commitment to the people there.

You are an integral part of this transformation.


Hear from our Country Director in Uganda, Samuel Kibi:

About The Community

The district of Mayuge is located in the Eastern region of Uganda. Like most Ugandan districts, it is named after its ‘chief town’, Mayuge, where the district headquarters are located.
    • In 2020, the population was 569,969.
    • At 36.6 %, the district currently has one of the highest percentages of Muslims in the country.
    • 51% of the population is female and due to high fertility rates there are 6.2 children per woman. Reproductive education is a priority.
    • 50% of the population do not have access to clean water and 20% of families do not have access to a toilet.

Our Plan Of Impact

Economic Empowerment

  • Establish revolving funds to create and grow small businesses
  • Provide vocational skills to youth and single mothers
  • Collaborate with like-minded organizations to share resources and meet needs in the community

Social Engagement

  • Provide integrated support for 300 children and their families
  • Provide community health and reproduction education
  • Provide support and Bible study for church leaders


  • Provide guidance and training to teachers to improve school experience
  • Provide mid-day meal at school to improve attendance and success in studying
  • Provide education to young girls to reduce teen pregnancy and dropout rates

Community Health

  • Provide 3 new local clinics
  • Provide training to clinic staff to build capacity and serve more patients
  • Provide community with a safe water source

Your Monthly $33 Dollar Donation Empowers Many Families.