At Life In Abundance, we empower people in Africa and the Caribbean, helping them to discover abundance in their lives and share it with others around them. Over the years, we’ve had the honor of partnering with many locals who have grown up in poor communities but have had their mindsets changed through wholistic development training programs and the hope of Christ. Some of these nationals become full-time LIA staff members, passionate about seeing others transformed the way they’ve been.
One such staff member is Consolata Njoki who first encountered LIA at a training in her Kenyan church in 2004. Now, she serves as a community coordinator in Mathare, mobilizing churches in the region to implement LIA programs. Here’s what a day in her life looks like as she works with LIA.
A Day in Consolata's Life
Today, Consolata is visiting the community of Mathare, one of the largest slums in Africa, where she herself grew up. She says, “I am always excited to be in Mathare because for me Mathare is home. I grew up there and my life is a testimony to the girls that God changes people and situations. I am happy to be serving my own people. Even though I no longer live there, sharing my journey with them gives them hope.”

First on the schedule is a drop-in on a savings group for young mothers. Consolata has helped launch six of these groups with a total of 80 mothers involved. These women are committed to meeting together to learn how to start and grow their own businesses and pool their money to give as loans when members need it. Each group has its own leaders, and members meet regularly to share experiences and challenges, encouraging each other and praying together.

After checking in on this group, Consolata heads to a local church for her afternoon. On the way she catches up with a woman who was a part of a previous LIA economic empowerment program.

The afternoon is spent at a wholistic transformation development (WTD) training. Consolata and another staff member, Pastor Robert, are conducting the 10-day event for pastors and local leaders in the area. Today they are discussing poverty from a Christian perspective. These trainings are a key part of LIA’s ministry as we empower people to meet the needs in their communities.

Consolata says, “We pray for God’s provision for the work there, for the pastors and churches that we have partnered with, that the Lord will use them to transform lives for his glory.” And who knows when a new LIA staff member, like Consolata, may arise because of a training or group like the ones visited today.