Dr. Florence’s Newly Refreshed Book
Dr. Florence’s Newly Refreshed Book
When God plants a seed, he grows a tree. The details that he writes into our lives, he continues to piece together long into the future.
In 2020, as we celebrated Life In Abundance’s 25th anniversary and made space to recognize the Lord’s faithfulness, Dr. Florence Muindi, LIA’s Founder and CEO, felt it was time to revisit her book, The Pursuit of His Calling.
“I felt it was so outdated, because it was telling the story up until 2007. I thought there’s so much to tell that has happened since the last edition and I felt almost a conviction that how can we continue to keep this testimony behind closed doors? It’s time to write again.”
Yet before a new volume is out, Muindi’s first book has been refreshed with new reflection questions, afterwords, and cover art, as well as made available in kindle and audiobook versions.
On the pages of the book, Dr. Florence shares about her life journey that has been marked by a commitment to fully follow Christ. As she reflected on the content again, she says it was a reminder of how God works.

“God is so organized and so orderly. He begins a seed here and before you know it, it has become a tree, when you could have easily thrown away that seed and moved on…. I’m newly convicted to be diligent with the opening remarks that God is making in my life because I want to see them continued.”
The author says it was a joy to work on the book again as the process refreshed her relationship with God. “It refreshed the journey we have traveled, and it confirmed that he who started will be faithful to the end.”
Dr. Florence hopes anyone picking up a copy will see this to be true in their life as well. “It’s been my prayer that whoever reads or is becoming a part of this story would learn not just from my highlights but from my lowlights.”
Looking back on Dr. Florence’s life and the story of LIA, it is clear that the Lord is faithful. As we are invited to walk in obedience to him, may we be found faithful as well.
Be inspired by the book now (available on Amazon or in our US store) and look out for the continuing story coming soon.