Organizational Capacity Assessments Training (OCAT) is one of the main tools used in the capacitation process. The OCAT is an accredited two-year capacitation and mentoring process/training focusing on 7 domains of organizational health and help national organizations and churches to identify their strengths and areas of growth. For your organization’s consideration in the program, please apply using the form below. 

This application must be completed in English.

OCAT Application

Name of Applicant(Required)
How Did You Hear About Us?(Required)

About Your Organization

English Language Requirement(Required)
All training will be in English and potential participants must confirm their ability to communicate clearly in English.
Please share your mission, vision, and value statements for your organization.
Please upload an organizational profile if you have one developed.
Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 300 MB.
Please describe your target communities. What are the prevailing socio economic, health, and education problems in the communities you serve?
Is your organization currently involved in or willing to engage in further expansion of Local Resource Mobilization/Fundraising? Please provide some examples if already involved in LRM.
Availability of Capable Community Volunteers(Required)
Can you ensure the availability of capable community volunteers to be trained as a model trainer to train others and serve your respective communities without expecting any funding from LIA GI?
Kingdom Mindset(Required)
Are you willing to receive guests with a Kingdom mind-set as a family of Christ which will ensure further networking and partnership? This includes a willingness to reach out to other partners/churches and train them without denomination bias to ensure multiplication.
OCAT Training Commitment(Required)
The Organization Capacity Assessment Training (OCAT) is a two year program requiring a commitment from leaders of your organization (required three senior staff (decision makers, which must include at least one of the following: CEO or Founder or Chair of Board) to attend all trainings. The same leaders must be enrolled for the duration of the program). The OCAT program requires an initial two week training, midterm reviews, an annual weeklong training, and a three day final review and training. Mentorship and consultation is provided throughout. Please check this box to ensure your understanding of the commitment.
GMC-Africa Commitment(Required)
All OCAT Participations are required to attend the Global Missions Conference-Africa while a part of the OCAT Program. GMC-Africa is annually held in Nairobi, Kenya in September.
Memorandum of Understanding(Required)
Following acceptance into the program, are you willing to sign and adhere to LIA Global Institute Partnership Agreement/Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)?