2020 was an unforgettable year, full of unexpected gifts and challenges. While the world faced the COVID-19 pandemic, Life In Abundance’s teams in the 14 countries in Africa and the Caribbean continued to do what we’ve always done: empower local churches and community leaders to meet the needs of those around them. In doing so, and reflecting on God’s faithfulness throughout it all, we know that 2020 brought new growth and wisdom.

Here are some of the lessons LIA’s country directors say they’ve learned through ministry recently:

Amidst Covid-19, the Lord has been faithful to us in many ways and we have learned that God works in a way human beings cannot understand, because we have many success stories to share in 2020.

In hardship… God uses his mighty hand to protect and to accomplish great things for his children.

Don’t push church leaders to do transformational community development. It has to be the outcome of their deep desire and interest.

Virtual meetings are effective to communicate, learn, and fellowship with people around the globe.

A spiritual foundation causes life stability, strength, and hope in God’s lasting promises and meaningful relationships.

It is more joyful to give than to receive.

It is the right time for churches to test their activities to see if they bring lasting fruit that glorifies God or are only empty activities for the glory of humans.

Simple lessons on hygiene, healthy food, and exercise…. are great tools to protect oneself and serve others.

Ensuring sustainable development means encouraging a community to see their future.

Much can be done through working with what is available at hand.

When putting our full weight behind a project, we can get it to completion. Although there will always be issues that can hinder us from reaching the goal, we should never stop trying our best to serve even in difficulties.

Empowered churches are the answer to issues the world is facing today. Church leaders have shown much potential beyond expectation through advocacy, social assistance, and working relationships with local leaders. Though church buildings were closed, the church was present. Yes, some moved with little faith, but it became like a mustard seed that moved mountains.

These are just some of the lessons we learned in 2020. What has God taught you as you’ve sought to build his kingdom?