A landlocked country in East Africa, Burundi is a densely populated country of 13M with 80 percent of that population employed in the agricultural sector. Government leadership is working toward a vision of making the country an emerging one by 2040 and a developed country by 2060. This vision is a guiding star and serves as a long-term development planning instrument for the country’s development efforts.
LIA’s Founder visited Burundi in 2016 and shared about LIA with a group of medical professionals. A few months later, a training took place, and LIA opened its Burundi office in 2018.

LIA-Burundi Projects
Since 2021, we have implemented youth running clubs in the provinces of Makamba, Muyinga, and Gitega. These clubs are helping young people discover and develop their talents. They are also serving guardians and parents by raising their awareness on wholistic child development as they prepare the next generation to be independent, healthy, and productive citizens. Some of these children have grown to become champions in athletics, representing their provinces in competitions at a national level.